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Scott & Shackleton's Antarctic - Ross Sea Expedition

Embark on an extraordinary adventure to the seldom visited Ross Sea from New Zealand and walk in the footsteps of legendary polar explorers on this exciting expedition.

Sailing from Dunedin in New Zealand on board Le Soléal, start in Campbell Island, part of New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands, and discover the island's spectacular endemic flora and fauna, including six species of albatross.

While you enjoy some time at sea and take advantage of talks and lectures on board by your team of expedition guides, be prepared to reach the Ross Sea, the Southernmost sea on Earth.

Alongside your expedition team, you will have the privilege of exploring this fascinating region and learn all about its history and natural environment, all in one of the most pristine, spectacular settings. Observe the largest Adelie penguin rookeries in the world, sail pass gigantic icebergs and thundering glaciers during a zodiac excursion, or spot Weddell Seals as they relax or hunt on icefloes.

You will have the opportunity to visit historic buildings including Sir Ernest Shackleton's hut at Cape Royds, and reflect on the heroic polar journeys of some of the world's most intrepid polar explorers.

On your way back to New Zealand, enjoy some time on Australia's Macquarie Island, and its impressive colony of king penguins, as well as the Snares islands and their unique wildlife sanctuaries, before disembarking in Dunedin. A truly memorable adventure not many have the chance to experience!

We are privileged guests in these remote lands where we are at the mercy of weather, ice, tidal and current conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. Any disembarkation on the Subantarctic Islands is subject to weather conditions and on obtaining the authorisation of the local authorities. To preserve the wild environment of these islands, the number of visitors is in fact strictly controlled. Wherever possible, we will run Zodiac excursions around their shorelines in order to guarantee the best possible experience for all guests if it is not possible to disembark.

クルーズコード SO160225
乗船日 2025年 02月16日
泊数 21泊
乗船港 Dunedin
下船港 Dunedin

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €16,580.00 ~

Ancient Cultures of Papua New Guinea

This exciting tropical expedition on board Le Jacques-Cartier  takes you through some of the most fascinating natural beauty and cultures of Melanesia.

Set sail from Cairns and head northward to reach Samarai Island. This small, verdant dot of land lying off the south-eastern tip of New Guinea, in the heart of the strait linking the Solomon and Coral seas, invites you for an unexpected interlude featuring idyllic landscapes and exceptional heritage.

Sail up to Alotau in Papua New Guinea's Milne Bay Province, and learn about the historical significance of the area with the WWII memorial as well as Japanese and American battlegrounds, and stories of pearlers, miners and missionaries.

The two volcanically active islands of Ferguson and Dobu are next on your itinerary. Join your expedition team on a walk to the DeiDei geothermal hot springs through spectacular forests and learn about the Methodist Church of Australia that established a mission station on Dobu Island.

Your call at Tufi will be one of the highlights of your voyage. Dubbed the Scandinavia of the Tropics, you will undoubtedly fall under the charm of this picturesque region, with its deep 'fjords' known locally as 'rias', which were formed through volcanic activity. In this unique setting, local  Papuan tribes will share their customs, beliefs and artwork with you.

In the heart of the Solomon Sea, you will discover the splendid turquoise waters and white-sand beaches of the uninhabited islands of the Lusancay archipelago. These spectacular, picture-postcard islands provide the opportunity to swim and snorkel over coral reefs teeming with life. Learn about the traditional 'Kula' trading system on the island of Kiriwina, as well as local village life through their spectacular cultural performances.

In the Solomon IslandsGhizo and Njari islands are where you will meet some of the most skilled carvers in the world, enjoy world-class snorkelling and diving, and visit the local traditional markets.

In Roderick Bay, experience the extraordinary environment featuring white-sand beaches and fringing coral reefs before reaching the Malaita Province. As well as learning about its unique local traditions and social aspects of life such as 'bride price', you will experience their traditional music and sacred dances accompanied by traditional panpipers.

Your expedition will finish in the capital of the Solomon Islands, Honiara, where Le Jacques-Cartier will be positioned alongside the wharf of Point Cruise.

クルーズコード EX160225
乗船日 2025年 02月16日
泊数 13泊
乗船港 Cairns
下船港 Honiara, Guadalcanal Island

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €7,440.00 ~

Antarctica: The White Continent - with Smithsonian Journeys

In alliance with Smithsonian Journeys.

This cruise is part of a collection of PONANT voyages that are specially-tailored for English-speaking travelers who want to engage with the world. In addition to the usual elements of the PONANT experience, the listed price for these voyages includes transfers to and from the ship, talks and discussions aboard ship by world class experts, and a shore excursion or activity in each port of call that encourages guests to embrace the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of the local environment and culture.

PONANT invites you on a polar expedition cruise to the heart of the icy realm that is the Antarctic Peninsula. Embark on an unforgettable 11-day voyage and succumb to the enchantment of the breathtaking landscapes inhabited by astonishing wildlife.  
The start of your cruise will be marked by the crossing of the mythical Drake Passage, during which you will likely be escorted by several albatrosses and Cape petrels, the sentinels of these often-choppy waters.
Your ship will then reach the White Continent, realm of the unexpected. Weather and ice conditions permitting, this extreme environment where nature reigns supreme will reveal to you its most beautiful secrets through numerous discoveries.
On this uninhabited land, which wasn't explored until the 19th century, your encounters with the wildlife will no doubt be one of the highlights of your experience. The Gentoo, Adélie, and Chinstrap penguins, Humpback whales, seals, and seabirds will provide you with cherished lifelong memories.
Each day, whether on land, aboard your ship, or during a Zodiac® outing, you will be surrounded by a grandiose landscape ranging from icebergs to ice floe and ancient glaciers.
We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. 

クルーズコード AU190225
乗船日 2025年 02月19日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Ushuaia
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €9,360.00 ~

Emblematic Antarctica

If there is one place on the globe that fires the imagination of travellers and arouses in them an instant thirst for adventure, it is the immaculate and faraway lands of the White Continent. Inhabited by a surprising endemic fauna, the Antarctic will welcome you during an 11-day expedition cruise.

At the border between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, you will enter Drake Passage. At the roaring fifties and the screaming sixties, the wind blows and the waves beat against the stern of the ship. In the sky, cape petrels lead you toward their realm until you reach the first of the continent's lands.

Ice is there in all its forms. The mountainous landscapes open up to give way to huge calving glaciers, tabular icebergs drift in the middle of the Southern Ocean, and the sea ice shimmers in the distance. On board, the naturalists share with you the secrets of this unique ecosystem. As you near the shores, the first penguins appear. GentooAdéliechinstrap: these surprising birds, emblematic of the Antarctic, share their beaches with leopardcrabeater and Weddell seals. During an outing on land or at sea, in a zodiac dinghy or a kayak, you will move through a stunning scenery bathed in polar light.

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. 

クルーズコード LY220225
乗船日 2025年 02月22日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Ushuaia
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €9,900.00 ~

The St. Lawrence River in the Heart of the Boreal Winter

With featured guest Sue Flood, British Photo Ambassador.

Le Commandant Charcot, a technological wonder capable of sailing in the most extreme environments, is opening up new horizons in unrivalled comfort and invites you to explore the Saint Lawrence. This river is not accessible to traditional ships in winter, so this exclusive and all-new PONANT journey lifts the veil on unique great open spaces, where the waters, once turbulent, freeze into ice, and where the forests are dressed in an immaculate white coat.

You will sail among different states and forms of ice - from drifting and fragmented sea ice to solid ice - and will be able to admire the evolution of this spectacular natural scenery from the reassuring cocoon of Le Commandant Charcot. In these lands, only the murmur of broken ice, bearing mysteries and legends, disturbs the calmness. Aboard the ship or on shore, you will seize the opportunities to explore these places where nature reigns supreme and in never-ending variety: boreal forests of immaculate conifers, snow-covered valleys and a sea of ice. Set off to discover this enchanting environment, thanks to winter activities such as hiking or snowshoeing, dog sledding or ice fishing. You may be lucky enough to see typical animals like caribou and elk in their natural habitat, or watch whitecoats being born in the Magdalen Islands, if weather and ice conditions permit.

In this region, where souls are filled with deep serenity, the colourful houses and fishing huts stand valiantly. Their sparkling facades, in bright and vibrant colours, defy the harshness of the winter landscape. Here, in one of the "few places where you can experience the cold with so much warmth" (Saguenay proverb), you will receive a hospitable welcome from Quebeckers and the Innu and Micmac peoples in unforgettable get-togethers. These indigenous communities, who include some of the First Nations, will tell you about their stories, legends and ancestral traditions.

A journey suspended in time, where lives blend with the natural elements and where the wild beauty of nature is revealed in its full splendour.

The itinerary is subject to modifications. On board, the sailing programme, outings and activities cannot be guaranteed and are subject to weather and ice conditions.

クルーズコード CC220225
乗船日 2025年 02月22日
泊数 12泊
乗船港 Québec
下船港 Saint Pierre Island, Saint Pie

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €17,590.00 ~

History and culture visiting Caribbean jewels

Le Ponant, the first Relais & Châteaux sailing yacht. The finest travel address on the waters of the world.

The Caribbean. The mere mention of this vast archipelago conjures images of waves dancing along the shoreline, lapping against long beaches lined with elegant palm trees. During this unforgettable 8-day cruise, spend your time contemplating and exploring aboard PONANT's emblematic yacht.

You will move away from the shores of Guadeloupe and sail under wind power towards Les Saintes. Soon, deeply breathing in the air on the deck of the three-mast yacht, you will be enchanted by the infinite palette of blues in the Caribbean Sea. As you approach Les Saintes Bay, which is one of the world's most beautiful bays, you will glimpse Fort Napoleon crowning the summit of the island.

Le Ponant will set sail towards Antigua and Barbuda. Thanks to the perfect conditions, sailing here is a delight for all the senses. Lying on the deck, you will let the wind and the sunshine caress your skin, while the crew sail the mainsail.

Entering Falmouth Harbour, you will spot Nelson's Dockyard as well as his former house; traces of Admiral Nelson may be also found in Charlestown, on the island of Nevis. From there, you will be able to visit the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States, as well as St John's Fig Tree Church, which houses the original marriage certificate of Lord Horatio Nelson and Fanny Nisbet. Nevis also has a very beautiful botanical garden.

You will reach Barbuda, where you will be able to relax on beaches of white and pink sand bathing in crystal-clear water and observe the many seabirds, particularly the magnificent frigatebirds.

At the end of a beautiful crossing through the Caribbean Sea, you will reach St Barts, a small island in the Tropics offering an exceptional and windswept stretch of water. Sailing is synonymous with pleasure in these warm waters, even when the sea spray makes it onto the deck.

You will arrive in the Anguilla archipelago, a little-known jewel where you will be able to reconnect both with yourself and the surrounding elements. The two small uninhabited islands of Prickly Pear Cays, separated by a narrow channel and surrounded by rocky protrusions, are heaven for divers and birds. The island is also home to Lesser Antillean iguanas.

After this odyssey embracing the elements, feeling refreshed by this special experience aboard LePonant, as if you were on your very own yacht, you will return to terra firma in Philipsburg.

クルーズコード PO220225
乗船日 2025年 02月22日
泊数 7泊
乗船港 Pointe-à-Pitre
下船港 Philipsburg

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,550.00 ~

Secrets of Central America

PONANT takes you to discover Panama and Costa Rica with an 11-day expedition cruise. A circuit of extraordinary beauty around the isthmus of Panama, a link between two continents, which concentrates a biodiversity that is unique in the world; from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, you will experience dream islands, natural reserves and encounters with the fascinating local communities.

San Lorenzo's Fort is the first port of call on your cruise aboard Le Bellot. Admire this unusual fortress built by the Spanish Crown to protect transatlantic trade. Now classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is an exceptional example of military architecture from the 17th and 18th centuries.

You will then discover the golden sand and crystal-clear waters of the coral islets of the San Blas Islands. The Kuna live among the palm trees and pirogues; this people perpetuates, among other things, the traditional craft of molas, weaved textiles in sparkling colours.

After crossing the legendary Panama Canal that connects the Atlantic to the Pacific, Le Bellot will sail to the heart of the Pearl Islands, nestling in the Gulf of Panama. There, our naturalists will offer to take you on an outing in a zodiac dinghy.

Your ship will then head for the magnificent Darien National Park in Panama. This little corner of paradise is a UNESCO World Heritage site and home to remarkable plants and wildlife. Sandy beaches, rocky coastlines, mangroves, swamps and tropical rainforests vie with each other for beauty and offer a feast for photographers. This will also be an opportunity to meet the astonishing semi-nomadic Emberas community.

During the final stop in Panama, in front of Cebaco Island, you will have the possibility to enjoy the beach or to take walks nearby.

Your ship will then take you to Costa Rica. The next stage of your cruise: Rio Esquinas. You will ride aboard one of our zodiac dinghies to observe this lush environment where monumental mangroves and emblematic species reign supreme.

After a day spent discovering Drake Bay, your final visit will be the stunning Curúnature reserve. Deep inside the tropical rainforest you may be lucky enough to see multicoloured birds, monkeys, iguanas and sloths.

The encounters with the wildlife described above illustrate possible experiences only and cannot be guaranteed.

クルーズコード EE230225
乗船日 2025年 02月23日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Colón
下船港 Puntarenas

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,720.00 ~

Nordic Discoveries & Traditions

With featured guest Christian Makarian, French author and journalist.

Set off aboard Le Champlain for an 11-day cruise and enjoy an exceptional experience exploring Norway in the winter. From Tromso, you will sail towards these magical lands, where your exceptional itinerary will take in snow-capped summits, immaculate landscapes and the discovery of millennial traditions.  

Throughout your journey, you will benefit from an excursion included per person per port of call, to choose from a selection offered by PONANT. During this cruise, set off to discover the legendary Nordkapp, or the North Cape, from Honningsvag, appreciate the charm of the Lofoten Islands during a day of visits from Reine, or explore Tromso, the capital of the Arctic, in a rigid-inflatable boat. The diversity of experiences on offer promises you intense and varied moments (to discover the full range of excursions, go to the itinerary tab).

Your ship will first make its way south where you will witness the mysterious charm of the Lofoten archipelago. These islands have landscapes of surreal beauty alternating between sea, spectacular fjords, mountain slopes and bright-coloured huts on stilts.

You will then continue with an immersion in the land of the Samis. From your disembarkation in Narvik, in the very heart of captivating summits plunging into the sumptuous Ofotfjord, you will be invited to explore the ancestral tales of this reindeer-herding indigenous people.

Le Champlain will set sail for Hammerfest, the northernmost town in the world. During your port of call in this charming fishing port, you will have the opportunity to explore the Struve Geodetic Arc, a chain of triangulations stretching from Norway to the Black Sea, and the first technical and scientific tool to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You will also sail by Bear Island, halfway between the North Cape of Norway and the South Cape of Spitsbergen. From your ship, you will marvel at this small strip of land with its craggy coastline and high jagged cliffs.

Le Champlain will once again set sail south, for the captivating Honningsvag. This port of call will take you to the northernmost point of Europe: the North Cape. On this cliff, home to the emblematic Milestone, a globe-shaped monument, allow yourself the time to dream as you gaze upon the vastness of the Barents Sea.

You will then discover Alta. With the polar night in full swing, you may be lucky enough to admire the unique colours of the Northern Lights as they ripple and spin above the Arctic Circle.

Your trip into the very heart of the immenseness of the Norwegian Arctic polar world will end in Tromso, your disembarkation port.

クルーズコード EC240225
乗船日 2025年 02月24日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Tromso
下船港 Tromso

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €8,590.00 ~

Zanzibar, Aldabra & the Treasures of the Indian Ocean

Embark with PONANT aboard Le Bougainville for a 13-day expedition cruise in the Indian Ocean. A chance to discover stunning natural environments, exceptional wildlife and UNESCO World Heritage sites loaded with history. 

From Victoria on the island of Mahé, you will first sail to La Digue, where a veritable picture-postcard of the Seychelles awaits you: palm trees, granite rocks, white sand and crystal-clear waters.

You will extend these activities at sea and on land on the sublime Saint François Atoll.

Further on, the small islands Astove will be an opportunity to snorkel and dive among bright-coloured sea life, before reaching Aldabra Atoll, a largely untouched natural sanctuary listed as World Heritage by UNESCO. Edged with mangrove and fine sandy beaches, it is home to the largest colony of land turtles in the world.

After a stop on the sublime Assumption Island, your next ports of call will provide opportunities to discover several of the wonders of Tanzania. You will explore the ruins of the 13th-century Swahili trading past of Kilwa Kisiwani, the small coral island of Misali as well as Pemba Island and its clove plantations and fantastic scuba diving.

This fabulous trip will draw to an end in Zanzibar, a city with superb UNESCO-listed buildings, blending African, Arab, Indian and European influences over more than a millennium.

The encounters with the wildlife described above illustrate possible experiences only and cannot be guaranteed.

クルーズコード EG240225
乗船日 2025年 02月24日
泊数 12泊
乗船港 Victoria, Mahé
下船港 Zanzibar

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,580.00 ~

Zanzibar, Aldabra & the Treasures of the Indian Ocean

Embark with PONANT aboard Le Dumont-d'Urville for a 13-day expedition cruise in the Indian Ocean. A chance to discover stunning natural environments, exceptional wildlife and UNESCO World Heritage sites loaded with history. 

From Zanzibar, a city with superb UNESCO-listed buildings, blending African, Arab, Indian and European influences over more than a millennium, you will first reach the coral island of Misali.

After visiting of Pemba Island and its clove plantations and fantastic scuba diving, your next port of call will be an opportunity to discover the ruins of the 13th-century Swahili trading past of Kilwa Kisiwani.

You will reach stunning Assumption Island before setting sail for the small island of Astove that will provide an opportunity for snorkelling and diving in search of underwater life shimmering with colours.

Further on, discover the Aldabra Atoll, a pristine sanctuary listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Edged with mangrove and fine sandy beaches, it is home to the largest colony of land turtles in the world.

You will extend these activities at sea and on land on the sublime Saint François Atoll.

Before disembarking in Victoria on the island of Mahé, a veritable picture-postcard awaits you in La Digue: palm trees, granite rocks, white sand and crystal-clear waters.

The encounters with the wildlife described above illustrate possible experiences only and cannot be guaranteed.

クルーズコード EU240225
乗船日 2025年 02月24日
泊数 12泊
乗船港 Zanzibar
下船港 Victoria, Mahé

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,580.00 ~
