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Australia's Iconic Kimberley

This cruise is intended for English-speaking passengers. All lectures, comments by naturalists during the outings and visits as well as the announcements and services on board will be in English.

Set sail for the wild and grandiose landscapes of Kimberley, following an exceptional PONANT itinerary.  

From Darwin to Broome, embark for an 11-day expedition cruise to one of the last unspoiled regions on the planet.

In one of the most picturesque parts of the region, the Hunter River, you will see wild mangrove forests where saltwater crocodiles live along with many species of birds.

The highpoint of this cruise will undoubtedly be the discovery of the King George River and the majestic Twin Falls, the highest falls in Western Australia.

During your cruise, the magnificent bays of Vansittart and Swift will offer you exceptional panoramas, between islands, secret inlets, caves and rocky overhangs.

At Ashmore Reef, gaze out over the shades of blue of the Timor Sea off the mainland. The corals are home to extraordinary marine life in this incredibly beautiful paradise.

You will also visit Collier Bay, where you will be able to admire the Montgomery Reef, home to vast expanses of lagoons and immense coral reefs.

On the Lacepede Islands, take the time to admire the abundance of nesting birds as well as the large population of turtles residing in the lagoon.

Your ship will take you along the most spectacular coasts in the entire region.

With their falls, abrupt gorges, savannah, calm waters and desolate mountain chains, the wild lands of Kimberley are the promise of an exceptional adventure.

This itinerary is given as an indication only. Based on tide times and weather conditions, the Captain and the Expedition Leader may need to switch the order of certain ports of call around to ensure guests have the best possible experience.

クルーズコード EX100824
乗船日 2024年 08月10日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Darwin
下船港 Broome

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €7,530.00 ~

Historic Cities of the Baltic Sea

PONANT invites you to discover the historical cities along the Baltic Sea. You will embark on Le Dumont-d'Urville for an 8-day cruise about the cultural wonders of the Hanseatic League.

Departing from Copenhagen, you will head for the charming fishing village of Gudhjem. Located on the small Danish island of Bornholm, it is very popular among the Danes for its gentle way of life and its beautiful landscapes of rock formations.

Your ship will then call at Gdansk, famous for its amber stone and its shipyards. The former Hanseatic city will reveal some of its architectural treasures, in Gothic and Baroque styles, restored or rebuilt.

During your cruise, you will also visit two sites that were important for the Hanseatic League in the Baltic Sea around the 13th century:  Visby and Tallinn. UNESCO Heritage Sites, these once opulent cities still have remarkably well-preserved ramparts, public buildings, merchant houses and warehouses.

Finally, you will head to Helsinki. Located on a peninsula surrounded by almost 300 islands, the verdant capital of Finland will charm you with its Art Nouveau architecture, before reaching Stockholm, your port of debarkation.


クルーズコード EU100824
乗船日 2024年 08月10日
泊数 7泊
乗船港 Copenhagen
下船港 Stockholm

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,090.00 ~

The Geographic North Pole

Head for 90 degrees North! Since the 16th century, the greatest expeditions have constantly tried to reach the North Pole. This mythical geographic point inspires and attracts as much as it fascinates dreamers and conquerors seeking out the other side of the world.

What if Le Commandant Charcot achieved this absolute pinnacle adventure by enabling you, perhaps, to tread on this virtually unattainable point?

Following in the wake of Frederick Cook, Robert Edwin Peary or Roald Amundsen, who were among the many who fought to achieve this elusive goal, you will be part of the chosen few ones to attempt the odyssey, 700 km (435 miles) from any land.

From Spitsbergen, you will head towards the north to sail the waters at the edges of the Earth, towards landscapes that change constantly according to the ice and the plays of light. Nature reigns supreme here, sheltering exceptional wildlife that you will perhaps be lucky enough to see as your journey progresses: polar bears, seals or even whales! Your exploration of this silent world, frozen by the cold, will continue as you attempt to reach the Grail of all polar explorers: the North Pole!

Swept by the winds and the currents, the ice floe is constantly drifting and the Captain of your ship will manoeuvre carefully and with great humility in an attempt to reach the northernmost point of our planet.

Find out more about the world of Le Commandant Charcot here!

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Our navigation, mainly in the fjords, will be determined by the type of ice we come across; as the coastal ice must be preserved, we will take this into account from day to day in our itineraries. The sailing programme, outings, activities and observation of fauna cannot be guaranteed and are subject to weather and ice conditions. The experiences are unique and vary from day to day and for each departure. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while respecting safety instructions and regulations imposed by the AECO.

クルーズコード CC110824
乗船日 2024年 08月11日
泊数 15泊
乗船港 Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen
下船港 Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €31,290.00 ~

Expedition to the edge of the Ice Sheet

This PONANT itinerary is your chance to embark on a 14-day expedition cruise to Greenland. Aboard Le Lyrial, you will follow the Vikings' route, the first Europeans to discover eastern Greenland as far as Nuuk, in the steps of Erik the Red. You will also enjoy a combination of adventure and discovery in the company of an experienced team of naturalist guides, anthropologists, ornithologists and marine mammal specialists...  

From Reykjavik, you will touch the east coast of Greenland in Tasiilaq, a city founded by the Danish explorer Gustav Holm. Located on Ammassalik island, on the edge of an inlet, it offers a breathtaking view of the icebergs whose thousand blue glittering reflections dot the horizon.

During your cruise and zodiac outings, you will have many opportunities to admire an abundant and varied fauna: sealswhalesorcas, not to mention the many species of seabirds.

Your ship will then sail down the narrow Prins Christian Sund passage, which connects the south-east of Greenland to the south-west. Jagged mountains, rocky cliffs, waterfalls and floating ice form a wonderful wild landscape in which frolic colonies of bearded seals.

To the country's west, you will sail amid the blue icebergs of the Narsaq region, and among the largest icebergs in the Northern Hemisphere in Disko Bay.

We are privileged guests in these remote lands where we are at the mercy of weather, ice, tidal and current conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the AECO. 

クルーズコード LY120824
乗船日 2024年 08月12日
泊数 13泊
乗船港 Reykjavík
下船港 Kangerlussuaq

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €9,120.00 ~

The Northwest Passage

Through PONANT's alliance with The Explorers Club, this voyage will feature David Borish, a social scientist and documentary filmmaker who is pushing the boundaries of the use of audiovisual methods to explore and understand the relationships between humans and animals in the Arctic and Subarctic.

With the presence of Ian Dawson and Sue Flood, British Photo Ambassadors.

Explore the expanse of the Arctic world during extraordinary polar odyssey from Iceland to Alaska, via the mythical Northwest Passage. The greatest explorers long coveted travelling from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean via the Far North route before Roald Amundsen accomplished the feat during his expedition from 1903 to 1906. Although this crossing is now legendary, PONANT invites you to go even further, aboard LeCommandant Charcot, by sailing along a virtually unexplored maritime route.

Like a perfect prelude to your discovery of the polar world, the latest addition to the PONANT fleet will first take you on a magnificent ascent up the west coast of Greenland to the majestic Disko Bay. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it will reveal itself to you between its mythical glacier and the graceful dance of monumental icebergs.

Next, you will enter the Northwest Passage via Lancaster Sound then through the ice of McClure Strait. Following in the wake of one of the most mythical sagas in polar exploration, the ship will progress through to BanksIsland, and gradually immerse you in a constantly changing world of ice. The infinity of the ice floe will unveil itself, moving, treating the eyes to beauties sculpted by nature and enhanced by the changing light. Aboard Le Commandant Charcot, a luxurious setting designed to navigate in extreme zones, you will continue into the Beaufort Sea and explore landscapes that are inaccessible to traditional ships. The ice covering reshapes the relief and reveals an incredible sensorial experience for the modern-day explorers.

Your immersion in the northern world will also lead you to encounter the Inuitpeople for special moments of sharing based on their traditions. In the heart of the ice or at the confluence of the currents, there where all is pristine and wild, nature reigns supreme and an encounter with a polar bear is always a wonderful experience.

Beyond the Arctic Circle, your senses will further be ignited as the sight of the glistening ice floesblue-tinged glaciersrugged mountain chains and rolling tundra captivates you. Long fantasised about before being discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, the Northwest Passage promises you a trip that is synonymous with going back to basics.

Find out more about the world of Le Commandant Charcot here!

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Our navigation, mainly in the fjords, will be determined by the type of ice we come across; as the fast ice must be preserved, we will take this factor into account from day to day in our itineraries. The sailing programme, outings, activities and observation of fauna cannot be guaranteed and are subject to weather and ice conditions. The experiences are unique and vary from day to day and for each departure. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while respecting safety instructions and regulations imposed by the AECO.

クルーズコード CC120824
乗船日 2024年 08月12日
泊数 24泊
乗船港 Reykjavík
下船港 Nome, Alaska

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €36,440.00 ~

Expedition from Greenland to Canada via Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Succumb to the charms of this 16-day expedition cruise aboard Le Champlain, sailing between Iceland and Canada via the stunning landscapes of Greenland.

You will embark in Reykjavik, the most northerly capital in the world, lying slightly above the 64th parallel.

You will first travel through the narrow Prins Christian Sund passage, which connects the south-east of Greenland to the south-west. Jagged mountains, rocky cliffs, waterfalls and floating ice form a wonderful wild landscape in which frolic colonies of bearded seals.

After passing in front of the impressive Kujalleq Glacier, you will call at Aappilattoq (Augpilatok), a small Inuit village with some one hundred inhabitants, dotted with colourful houses typical of this faraway land.

Le Champlain will head to Canada to call at l'Anse-aux-Meadows, a Viking archeological site from the 11th century listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located north of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and LabradorSaint-John's, the capital of the province is one of the oldest anglophone cities in North America. It is nestled in the heart of a stunning natural environment and strolling through its historic core or along its sloping streets lined with colourful houses is an enjoyable experience.

A little piece of France located off the coast of Canada, the Saint Pierre and Miquelon archipelago has many charms. Here you will discover the lively island of Saint Pierre, its small houses with coloured facades and its natural harbour which sheltered many fishing boats in the past. The second island in the archipelago, Miquelon, will delight lovers of the great outdoors with its vast rolling meadows dotted with small lakes and lined with cliffs that disappear into the northern waters inhabited by seals.

At the mouth of Saguenay River, you will reach Tadoussac. This National Park is also an unmissable site for whale watching as the mammals gather to feed before winter.

In the estuary of the St. Lawrence River, you will also visit Quebec City, capital of Canada's Beautiful Province, founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. Do not miss discovering this charming and lively city where the historic neighbourhood of Old Québec, with its ramparts and fortifications, is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.

Your ship will continue into the Saint Lawrence River, a prodigious waterway home to exceptionally beautiful nature.

To round off your cruise, you will sail along the shimmering waters of Lake Ontario before making your way to the cosmopolitan city of Toronto, where you will disembark.

Itinerary is?subject to change according to port authorizations and government regulations. We are privileged guests in these remote lands where we are at the mercy of weather, ice, tidal and current conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the AECO.? 

クルーズコード EC130824
乗船日 2024年 08月13日
泊数 15泊
乗船港 Reykjavík
下船港 Toronto

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €8,080.00 ~

Escape to the Adriatic Sea

Young Ocean Explorers Club in partnership with MAUD FONTENOY FOUNDATION.

To enjoy the slow passing of time on a mild summer evening, take in the intoxicating scent of the pine trees surrounding the island home of Stari Grad, or wander through the bustling streets of Dubrovnik, PONANT invites you on a brand-new 8-day cruise to (re)discover the Adriatic Sea, between culture and natural gem.

The stunning city of Dubrovnik is the first leg of your journey. Its history takes form along the cobbled streets of the old town and Dalmatian traditions are revealed during a trip to the Konavle Valley, reputed for its vineyards.

The country's oldest city, Stari Grad, also carries echoes of the past. Founded by the Greeks 2,400 years ago, its plain is now listed with UNESCO for having retained its original agricultural landscape of vineyards and olive groves.

Hopping from one island to another, you will visit Bol and Brac Island, the proud home of the most beautiful beach in the Adriatic, Zlatni Rat, before calling at Rab. Dominated by its four emblematic bell towers and surrounded by medieval walls, it also offers an opportunity to visit secret coves and idyllic beaches in the surrounding area. 

Brijuni National Park is undoubtedly one of the highlights of your cruise. PONANT is taking you there for the first time, for its incredibly beautiful landscapes, ancient remains, and surprising wildlife.

Just a stone's throw away, Pula, the most Roman of Croatian cities, offers a combination of rich history, reflected in its dazzling Roman amphitheatre, and wooded outskirts punctuated with beaches. 

The Slovenian shores await you in Piran, a medieval town extending out into the crystal-clear waters of the Adriatic. Its architecture, influenced by five centuries under the rule of the Republic of Venice, affords it a singular charm.

Your arrival in the city of the Doges marks the end of your cruise. The city that was once called the Serenissima Republica and which dominated this arm of the Mediterranean for centuries is the ideal place to round off your odyssey.


クルーズコード AU150824
乗船日 2024年 08月15日
泊数 7泊
乗船港 Dubrovnik
下船港 Venice

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €3,010.00 ~

Pearls of The Society Islands

A vast expanse dotted with some one hundred heavenly islets and idyllic atolls bathing in stunning, translucent lagoons with a rich marine biodiversity, French Polynesia invites you for an enchanting, intriguing and captivating interlude.

Set sail from Papeete aboard Le Paul Gauguin for an exceptional 8-day cruise to discover the gems of the Society Islands, including extraordinary landscapes and captivating historical and cultural treasures. The perfect introduction to the picture-perfect charms of the South Pacific, this wonderful cruise whisks you away to destinations that played muse for authors James A. Michener, Herman Melville, painters Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse, and many more.

The sweet scent of vanilla and Tahitian gardenias bewitches you and your dreams of escape and contemplation now seem within hand's reach. Marvel at the beauty of Huahine; the cradle of Polynesian culture on the mythical island of Raiatea; the majestic ballet of the colourful fish undulating through the turquoise waters of motu Mahana, our small, private paradise steeped in the scent of vanilla; and Bora Bora's stunning lagoon and distinctive volcanic silhouette.

Before disembarking in Papeete, feast your eyes on the incomparable beauty of Moorea.

Discover our excursions without further delay - click here!

クルーズコード PG170824
乗船日 2024年 08月17日
泊数 7泊
乗船港 Papeete, Tahiti Island
下船港 Papeete, Tahiti Island

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €3,430.00 ~

Cultural treasures and Scandinavian panoramas

In partnership with Les Éditions Tallandier and with featured guest Thomas Gomart, French historian of international relations and director of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI).

From Stockholm to Edinburgh, PONANT brings you a brand-new 12-day cruise aboard Le Dumont-d'Urville, through the landscapes and cultural treasures of Scotland and Scandinavia.

Le Dumont-d'Urvillewill sail to the Swedish island of Gotland and call at Visby, a site that was important for the Hanseatic League in the Baltic Sea around the 13th century. A UNESCO Heritage Site, this once-opulent city still has remarkably well-preserved ramparts, public buildings, merchant houses and warehouses. 

Karlskrona, whose history is intrinsically linked to the Swedish Navy, boasts exceptional UNESCO-listed architecture that is characteristic of late-17th-century European naval cities.  

Then your ship will chart a course towards the charming town of Gudhjem, on the small Danish island of Bornholm, which is greatly appreciated by the Danish for its variety of landscapes ranging from granite to great sandy beaches.

Copenhagen, city of art and history, the charming Danish capital will not fail to surprise you with its easy lifestyle, cultural richness and exceptional heritage.

The next step of your voyage will take you to Gothenburg, in Sweden. The country's main port and labelled City of Literature by UNESCO, it can be discovered via its pretty canals, cultural treasures and emblematic districts.

Le Dumont-d'Urvillewill then set a course for Norway, its stunning scenery and its incredible cities and towns. Sitting on the edge of a fjord covered in greenery, Oslo, the creative, multicultural, radiant capital of Norway reflects a deep attachment to its Viking and Scandinavian roots. You will then sail along the coast to Arendal, called the Venice of the North due to its canals. On the southern coast, the colourful facades of Egersund stretch out along the curve of a fjord and the town's industrial past, centred on fishing and earthenware production, is revealed.

Le Dumont-d'Urville will sail towards Kirkwall, capital of the Orkney Islands, where numerous seabirds, such as gannets and European shags, have taken up residence.

The last stage of your cruise will take you to Aberdeen. Its magnificent coast, boasting a remarkable nature reserve and majestic castles nearby, make Scotland's third largest city, full of Gothic charm, an exceptional port of call.

Finally, you will reach Edinburgh, city of history and labelled city of literature by UNESCO, your port of disembarkation.


クルーズコード EU170824
乗船日 2024年 08月17日
泊数 11泊
乗船港 Stockholm
下船港 Rosyth, Scotland

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €7,840.00 ~

Alaska, nature on a grand scale

With featured guest Cindy Miller Hopkins, American Photo Ambassador.

The "great land" or the "mainland" in Aleut is very aptly named. An immense territory and a mythical region, land of trappers and the origin of the greatest adventures, Alaska welcomes you to discover its changing, yet always grandiose, landscapes. During an 12-day cruise aboard Le Soléal, enter the kingdom of nature and explore incredible Alaska during a journey discovering all its mysteries.

The largest State of the United States also has the most diverse landscapes. From temperate rainforests forests to the icy scenery of the Arctic, the relief fluctuates between majestic fjords and snow-covered mountains. The legendary Mount Saint Elias is stunning, standing 5,489 metres (18,000 feet) tall, near the head of the Icy Bay. Inside the bay, you will also travel through the Tsaa Fjord, surrounded by hanging glaciers and dizzying waterfalls. Among the jewels you will have the chance of exploring, Prince William Sound is a sight like no other. Imagine a painting: it features coniferous forests, which hide, in the background, mountains that are bleached by the eternal snow. The glaciers moving towards the sea, dressed in their finest colours, provide another opportunity to contemplate and learn more about this unique ecosystem.

In the heart of this wild and majestic nature, you will set off to discover Alaskan life and customs, accompanied by our guides and naturalists, who are experts in the region. With local arts and crafts, the history of the emblematic totems and traditional shows, you are promised a real immersion into the local life of the communities. You cruise will also be an opportunity to go back in time to the 19th century and to the famous gold rush, so well told by Jack London in his novel The Call of the Wild.

Here, humans must share the vastness with the animal kingdom. At sea, have fun spotting the humpback whales as they blow on the horizon. On land, black bears and grizzly bears are the focus of most attention and observations, while the majestic bald eagle, the symbol of the Unites States, soars above in the sky. The crucial notions of this cruise involve searching and keeping an eye out; the unexpected and the uncertainty are what make these singular encounters even more spectacular.

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. The itinerary, landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience.The Captain will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible.


クルーズコード SO180824
乗船日 2024年 08月18日
泊数 11泊
乗船港 Seward, Alaska
下船港 Vancouver

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €6,580.00 ~
