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The Many Faces of Cape Verde

Le Ponant, the first Relais & Châteaux sailing yacht, like the finest travel address on the waters of the world.

On the Cape Verde Islands, formed from volcanic lava and sculpted by the power of the Atlantic's waves, you will experience the raw beauty of incomparable nature. There are of course the strains of morna coming from Mindelo. There is the history of a former Portuguese colony that still bears traces of its past and has a geographic situation that has meant many influences for this string of islands. Above all, though, Cape Verde represents an indefinable feeling of freedom. Carried by the wind, Le Ponant will take you into a unexpected world where the elements will imbue you with new emotions.

Soft music rises from Mindelo, the music of Cesária Évora, "the Barefoot Diva", who is inextricably linked to her island and her town, where she remains revered. The pastel colours of the façades and the former colonial buildings dot the Cape Verdean towns and villages that you will discover from the sea. Aboard Le Ponant, you will enjoy the privilege of an intimate atmosphere in the hushed comfort of the ship. As your cruise unfolds, you will discover the historic city of São Filipe inexorably turned to the sea, on the island of Fogo, and you will explore Praia, the capital of Cape Verde with its diverse influences, planted with tamarind and silk trees. Wherever you go, you will be captivated by the markets with their bright colours and fragrance-filled stalls.

The sky and the sea, unspoiled nature and the Cape Verdean soul will sweep you away aboard Le Ponant. Everywhere you look, you will see surprising and larger-than-life landscapes. The highest island in the archipelago, Fogo, is like a painting featuring a palette of colours, at times emerald, at times grey, revealing old lava flows amidst lush vegetation. In São Nicolau, the steep hillsides soon rise on the horizon, while the deep valleys will welcome you to discover the dragon trees, these ancient trees with a majestic silhouette. Boa Vista offers another face of Cape Verde, with its dunes of fine sand stretching as far as the eye can see, revealing the cerulean blue of the Atlantic. And volcanos are everywhere here, watching over the landscape, their sharp contours unveiling the power of wild nature.

The changing winds will set the pace of your odyssey, freedom will surge up on the horizon, in the soft calm offered by the interior of PONANT's emblematic yacht. If you look to the sky, you will perhaps glimpse some of the many bird species that can be found in this piece of land lost in the Atlantic Ocean. You are sure to be surprised by the variety of activities during your trip, from hiking the paths of the archipelago to lazing on the bridge of the ship or on a Cape Verdean beach, to cultural discoveries and the exploration of a fascinating heritage.

クルーズコード PO271224
乗船日 2024年 12月27日
泊数 7泊
乗船港 Mindelo
下船港 Mindelo

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €6,670.00 ~

Expedition to Southern Lands

Experience a magical New Year's Eve with PONANT between South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula.

In South Georgia and on the shores of the White Continent, follow in the footsteps of the greatest explorers during a 18-day polar expedition cruise. Jean-Baptiste Charcot, Adrien de Gerlache, Ernest Shackleton, these legendary names evoke the most prodigious adventures, which PONANT is offering you the chance to discover during an unforgettable trip.

Le Boréal will leave Ushuaia, for South Georgia. It is there, amid the snow-covered mountains, that Sir Ernest Shackleton miraculously ran aground during the famous Endurance Odyssey in 1916, before returning to rescue the rest of his crew, left behind on the remote Elephant Island. You will travel back in time to (re)discover this fabulous saga and life at this little-known time in history.

You will sail on the Southern Ocean to reach the frozen shores of the nearly inaccessible White Continent, Antarctica. White shades take on a thousand nuances as it covers the icebergs, glaciers, mountains and frozen sea all around you. You will be one of the rare few travellers to have laid eyes on this legendary land, the theatre of the greatest expeditions and the witness of the most extraordinary adventures.

Throughout your trip, our team of naturalist guides will share with you the secrets of these faraway lands inhabited by unique wildlife. Discover the vast territory of the penguins - Adelie, king, chinstrap, Gentoo, Magellanic, southern rockhopper - albatrosses, numerous species of seals, and majestic whales blowing on the horizon.

To disembark in Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego, you will have to sail along Drake Passage. At the border between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, you will enter this mythical maritime route. The wind blows, the waves crash against the stem of the ship, and the cape petrels keep you company overhead until the end of your expedition.

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. 

クルーズコード BO281224
乗船日 2024年 12月28日
泊数 17泊
乗船港 Ushuaia
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €17,320.00 ~

Musical New Year in the Gulf of Bothnia

In partnership with RADIO CLASSIQUE, and  with featured guests Augustin Dumay , violinist and conductor and Alain Duault. 

Kid Explorers Club in partnership with MAUD FONTENOY FOUNDATION.

It's raining stars in our bed. This sensitive evocation of the Arctic night, which is the title of Scandinavian poetry collection published by Gallimard, invites us to the best seats in the house to watch the union between the vault of heaven and the earth's crust, beneath a multitude of stars.  

Aboard Le Commandant Charcot, a refined and warm cocoon, experience winter at the gateway to the Arctic, and discover a magical world in half-light. In the same way as the day, fleeting at this time, enhances the beauty of nature, the night awakens the poetry of this region.  

From the uninterrupted outside promenade deck and the Blue Lagoon pool, marvel at the unique spectacle of the Gulf of Bothnia in winter. Celebrate the holiday season in the heart of enchanting landscapes, illuminated Scandinavian cities, little-known archipelagos, snow-capped peaks or boreal forests in Lapland. Enjoy your sensorial discovery of these festive traditions, between the bracing freshness of the season and the warmth of Scandinavian culture.  

You will set sail towards the Stockholm archipelago. Hundreds of rocky islets will reveal themselves as you sail across the water, beneath the subtle glow of the winter skies. The holiday period is perfect for family gatherings and exudes a magical atmosphere, creating joyous moments aboard, in the Scandinavian townsthat are illuminated in the precocious night or in the Santa Claus Village of Rovaniemi. Among the woody scents and traditional singing, the lively Christmas market stalls offer artisanal creations, delicious cinnamon and ginger biscuits, and the famous glögg, a spicy mulled wine, in a convivial atmosphere.  

From the sumptuous panoramic lounge of your ship and on shore, the Gulf of Bothnia reveals itself with each port of call chosen. Between cultural heritage and urban planning suited to the climate, the wild panoramas give way to charming cities beneath the timid daylight. Take the time to observe the natural splendours of the High Coast, as you sail in this archipelago located in northern Sweden. Observe the snow-covered scenery of Laplandand Finland, from their untamed shores to the northern forest. You will be amazed by these preserved territories and experience the intense pleasure of hiking among immaculate expanses; enjoy, from a child's eye view, merry moments in the midst of winter and feel the exhilaration of an outing on a snowmobile, dog sled or reindeer sled. And if luck is on your side, you will be able to admire the fleeting splendour of the Northern Lights, an unexpected gift from the sky.  

"Christmas isn't a season, it's a state of mind." Like this saying, experiencea fairytale epic for children and adults alike, and celebrate the wonders of winter together.  

The itinerary is subject to modifications. On board, the sailing programme, outings and activities cannot be guaranteed and are subject to weather conditions.

クルーズコード CC281224
乗船日 2024年 12月28日
泊数 8泊
乗船港 Kemi
下船港 Helsinki

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €9,650.00 ~

Islands, Cities and Volcanoes of Indonesia

From Singapore to Bali, set sail aboard Le Lapérouse for a brand-new 15-day expedition cruise to the heart of fascinating Indonesia. Take a unique trip to discover the world's largest archipelagic state, featuring ancient temples and modern cities, impenetrable jungle and majestic volcanoes, historic towns and chains of idyllic islands. And of course, there will be precious encounters with a diverse population.

The glorious shoreline of West Malaysia will emerge slowly before you. You will cross the Strait of Malacca, once a strategic hub of the spice and silk trade, and discover the historic city of Melaka, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a fascinating mix of Asian, Portuguese and Dutch heritage.

Next, Le Lapérouse will round the northern tip of Sumatra via Banda Aceh. The city has been entirely rebuilt after being ravaged by the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami.

You will sail along the west coast of Sumatra and discover the Simeulue archipelago, which includes the Banyak Islands. This mix of atolls, cays and islets features numerous beaches of white sand, coral reefs, and clear, warm tropical waters. There, you will discover Pulau Asok, a lagoon ideal for beach walking and swimming thanks to its gently sloping, unspoiled beaches lined with coconut trees.

Further south, the Nias Archipelago is known for its unique megalithic culture and its spellbinding traditional music. You will then reach the Mentawais, a group of heavenly islands edged with beaches of white sand and covered in jungle. You will stop at one of these deserted beaches to swim and explore the underwater environment with a mask and snorkel.

Le Lapérouse will then call at Bengkulu, a former trading centre of the British East India Company, before setting a course for the south-western tip of Java. On the edge of the Sunda Strait, you will discover Ujung Kulon National Park. In addition to being a place of great natural beauty and of geological interest, notably for the study of island volcanoes, the park contains the largest remaining area of lowland rainforest on the island. It also includes the Krakatau Nature Reserve, and you will have the chance to observe the volcano during a unique sailing experience.

When your ship calls at Semarang, a cosmopolitan city with Chinese, Indo-Arab and European influences, you will visit the incredible site of Borobudur. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this monumental Buddhist temple compound from the 8th and 9th centuries is an artistic marvel with over 500 Buddha statues.

Finally, you will reach Probolinggo, one of the access points to Mount Bromo. This active volcano in the Tengger mountains stands 2,329 metres tall in the middle of a protected nature reserve.

Your journey will end on the paradisiacal and enchanting island of Bali. Renowned for the kindness of its inhabitants, Bali offers beautiful discoveries including lush paddy fields, sacred ceremonies, and abundant marine life.

クルーズコード ER281224
乗船日 2024年 12月28日
泊数 14泊
乗船港 Singapore
下船港 Benoa, Bali

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €8,560.00 ~

Pearls of the Caribbean

PONANT brings you an itinerary to the heart of the most enchanting islands in the Caribbean Sea. Board on Le Champlain for a 9-day cruise combining long white-sand beaches and the easy Creole way of life.

Throughout your journey, you will benefit from an excursion included per person per port of call, to choose from a selection offered by PONANT. During this cruise, enjoy a nature hike in Syndicate from Portsmouth, appreciate the beauty of Les Saintes by boat and during a swim, or explore the town of Soufrière, between land and sea, on Saint Lucia. The diversity of experiences on offer promises you intense and varied moments (to discover the full range of excursions, go to the itinerary tab).

From Fort-de-France, the capital of Martinique, Le Champlain will set sail to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Bequia Island, the 'whale-hunting island', and its wild and unspoiled coastline. You will enjoy the lively atmosphere of Port Elizabeth, the island's main town.

After a call at Mayreau, your sailing yacht will anchor in the Tobago Cays National Park. This rosary of islands, bound together by the most beautiful coral reef in the West Indies, will reveal its incredible underwater wildlife and its secret coves.

You will then island hop gently towards Saint Lucia and its two majestic rocky peaks soaring straight from the sea, a unique location listed as UNESCO World Heritage site.

You will sail towards the enchanting setting offered by the island of Dominica - the Nature Island - before you finally reach Fort-de-France.

An experienced diving instructor is on board for the entire cruise, enabling you to safely enjoy swimming and scuba diving.

クルーズコード EC291224
乗船日 2024年 12月29日
泊数 8泊
乗船港 Fort-de-France
下船港 Fort-de-France

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €4,490.00 ~

New Zealand Mosaic

From the South Island and its mountainous terrain to the North Island with its volcanoes and subtropical forest, New Zealand is home to breathtaking nature. Discover the land during a hike, learn about its culture through the history of the M?ori people, marvel at its majestic landscapes and admire its most emblematic animals: PONANT invites you to explore this insular country through unforgettable experiences. During a 16-day cruise aboard Le Soléal, lose yourself in the mysteries of the place known as 'the gateway to Antarctica'. 

Throughout your journey, you will benefit from an excursion included per person per port of call, to choose from a selection offered by PONANT. On this itinerary, take a whale watching cruise departing from Kaikoura, dive into M?ori traditions during an unforgettable activity in Napier or, from Tauranga, explore the extraordinary site of Rotorua, home to volcanic and geothermal attractions. The diversity of experiences on offer promises you intense and varied moments (to discover the full range of excursions, go to the itinerary tab).

From Dunedin, 'the Edinburgh of the South', Le Soléal will head southwestward to reach the magnificent Fiordland National Park. This park is an integral part of Te Wahipounamu, an area granted World Heritage status by UNESCODusky SoundDoubtful Sound and Milford Sound: you will discover these fjords shaped by successive glaciations, bordered by majestic cliffs.

In Oban too, Scottish influences remain visible. As the only settlement on Stewart Island, the smallest and southernmost of the three main islands of New Zealand, Oban owes its Gaelic name to the eponymous Scottish town. At this new and unique port of call, take a bird watching cruise, hike along the picturesque trails, or visit the town.

It is now time to sail northward to reach the shores of Akaroa. In this bay formed by an old, flooded volcano crater, the unique mix of the M?ori, French and European cultures offers a different experience.

You will then sail to the rocky peninsula of Kaikoura to admire New Zealand's rich biodiversity.

Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is the next stop on your journey. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the M?ori people during a visit to the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

When your ship calls at Picton, you will discover the Marlborough region, famous for its vineyards and its submerged valleys.

On the east coast of North Island, Napier unfolds before you, revealing its treasures in a uniquearchitectural style where the sleek lines of Art Deco buildings mingle with traditional M?ori patterns.

Soon, Tauranga will welcome you and open the doors to the many treasures of Rotorua: volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, rivers and gorges, and lakes ranging in colour from deep blue to bright orange.

On Waiheke Island, opposite Auckland, you will be enchanted not only by the authentic villages nestled at the heart of vineyards but also by the attractive coastline that forms heavenly beaches.

In the far north of New Zealand, succumb to the charm of the Bay of Islands, where you will have the opportunity to attend a M?ori ceremony.

Your cruise will end in Auckland. This New Zealand city bordered by two seas will surprise you with its modernity and its cosmopolitan atmosphere.

クルーズコード SO311224
乗船日 2024年 12月31日
泊数 15泊
乗船港 Dunedin
下船港 Auckland

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €8,220.00 ~

Emblematic Antarctica

If there is one place on the globe that fires the imagination of travellers and arouses in them an instant thirst for adventure, it is the immaculate and faraway lands of the White Continent. Inhabited by a surprising endemic fauna, the Antarctic will welcome you during an 11-day expedition cruise.

At the border between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, you will enter Drake Passage. At the roaring fifties and the screaming sixties, the wind blows and the waves beat against the stern of the ship. In the sky, cape petrels lead you toward their realm until you reach the first of the continent's lands.

Ice is there in all its forms. The mountainous landscapes open up to give way to huge calving glaciers, tabular icebergs drift in the middle of the Southern Ocean, and the sea ice shimmers in the distance. On board, the naturalists share with you the secrets of this unique ecosystem. As you near the shores, the first penguins appear. GentooAdéliechinstrap: these surprising birds, emblematic of the Antarctic, share their beaches with leopardcrabeater and Weddell seals. During an outing on land or at sea, in a zodiac dinghy or a kayak, you will move through a stunning scenery bathed in polar light.

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. 

クルーズコード AU020125
乗船日 2025年 01月02日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Ushuaia
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €9,410.00 ~

Desert & Cities of the Persian Gulf

Let yourself be distracted, accept the improbable and respect the frivolity - like in the tales from the Arabian Nights. This is the attitude to adopt during this outstanding 8-day cruise aboard Le Bougainville. Escape into the surprising history of Arabia, an arid peninsula that has been tamed by construction, along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf, the new Arab cities that feature the desert as their backdrop. 

Throughout your journey, you will benefit from an excursion included per person per port of call, chosen with care by PONANT. During this cruise, visit the surprising Ithra Cultural Centre in Dammam, discover the Museum of Islamic Art and the Souq Waqif in Doha, or enjoy taking in the works of art at the Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum. The diversity of experiences on offer promises you intense and varied moments (to discover the full range of excursions, go to the itinerary tab).

In this region of the world, ancient cities rub shoulders with the futuristic towns designed and shaped by the greatest contemporary architects. Dubai and its skyscrapers that are among the tallest in the world; Abu Dhabi with its Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and its new Louvre Museum; Doha and its bay offering a panorama of its fascinating skyline: each location offers a breath-taking experience. You will discover the capital of Bahrain,Manama, which while less famous is no less exciting. As a crossroads for trade routes since ancient times, today it is also more avant-garde than its Emirate sisters. The colourful souk and the Bahrain National Museum are among its must-see sites.

For the first time, you will have the opportunity to explore the Saudi city of Dammam. This modern metropolis is renowned for its pleasant waterfront and white sandy beaches; above all, though, it is the gateway to the Al Hasa oasis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the endless desert, imagine the largest oasis in the world, its fragrant gardens crossed by canals, springs and palm trees... palm trees as far as the eye can see. The Near East exudes an incredible poetry.

クルーズコード EG020125
乗船日 2025年 01月02日
泊数 7泊
乗船港 Dubai
下船港 Dubai

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €4,080.00 ~

Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands and Society Islands

Leaving from Papeete, PAUL GAUGUIN Cruises offers you a brand-new 16-day cruise to discover four beautiful archipelagos of the South Seas. You will be captivated by the resolutely Polynesian ambiance that prevails aboard the Paul Gauguin: a ship with a relaxed and international atmosphere, especially designed for sailing in these shallow turquoise waters.

In the Society Islands, in French Polynesia, you will be dazzled by the incomparable beauty of the sumptuous lagoons of Bora Bora, with its distinctly recognisable volcanic silhouette, by the turquoise waters of the motu Mahana, our private vanilla-scented little paradise, and by Moorea, with its hillside pineapple plantations and its verdant peaks overlooking the island.

You will sail towards the Cook Islands and the incredibly clear waters of the Aitutaki lagoon.

The Paul Gauguin will then set sail for the Kingdom of Tonga. Consisting of around 30 picture-postcard islets, Vava'u is an idyllic and pristine destination for exploring the wonderful seabed, sunbathing on the fine sandy beaches edged with coconut trees and discovering the local crafts and traditions.

You will finally discover authentic villages, hillsides covered in dense tropical vegetation and the sumptuous lagoons of the islands of Fiji.

クルーズコード PG040125
乗船日 2025年 01月04日
泊数 15泊
乗船港 Papeete, Tahiti Island
下船港 Lautoka, Viti Levu Island

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €6,460.00 ~

Adventures in Madagascar

PONANT invites you on an expedition cruise in the Indian Ocean to discover 'the island continent' of Madagascar. From the Seychelles to Mauritius, set off for 16 days aboard Le Dumont-d'Urville between beaches, dives, encounters with local populations and the discovery of endemic fauna and flora in rarely visited places of stunning natural beauty.

From Victoria on the island of Mahé, you will first sail to La Digue, a veritable picture-postcard of the Seychelles: palm trees, granite rocks, white sand and crystal-clear waters.

Your ship will then set sail for the northern tip of Madagascar. You will be dazzled by the beauty of the deserted beaches and preserved coral reefs of the idyllic islets in the Nosy Hara, Nosy Komba and Nosy Tanikely marine parks, renowned for their fabulous underwater life.

In Majunga, you will explore Ankarafantsika National Park, home to numerous bird and lemur species.

After exploring the picturesque and sumptuous city of Belo sur Mer, Le Dumont-d'Urville will then sail towards the wild expanses of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the south-west of Madagascar. Near the mouth of the Onilahu RiverTulear enjoys an exceptional flora that will delight botany lovers.

Along the immense beaches edged with dunes in Sarodrano, you will experience an exceptional encounter with one of the planet's last 'sea nomad' people, the Vezo. You will discover their fishing villages and ancestral maritime know-how.

Out at sea await turquoise waters, the magnificent coral reefs and the natural pools of Nosy Ve, an islet of white sand that shelters a large colony of red-tailed tropicbirds.

After calling at Pointe des Galets on La Réunion islandLe Dumont-d'Urville will reach Port Louis in Mauritius, where this unforgettable cruise will come to an end.

The encounters with the wildlife described above illustrate possible experiences only and cannot be guaranteed.

クルーズコード EU040125
乗船日 2025年 01月04日
泊数 15泊
乗船港 Port Louis
下船港 Victoria, Mahé

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €8,290.00 ~
