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Ancient Cultures of Papua New Guinea

With almost 10,000 different dialects spoken on its territory, Papua New Guinea possesses the world's greatest ethnic diversity and one of the most preserved. PONANT invites you to enjoy a slow temporal and geographic immersion, following the rhythm of the islands and their inhabitants, on a 12-day expedition cruise aboard Le Lapérouse, discovering the natural marvels and fascinating cultures of Melanesia.

You will depart from Honiara, the capital of Guadalcanal and renown for being the site of the battle between the USA and Japan during WWII.

Then you will reach the Malaita Province. As well as learning about its unique local traditions and social aspects of life such as 'bride price', you will experience their traditional music and sacred dances accompanied by traditional panpipers.

In the Solomon Islands, you will be able to enjoy pleasant moments swimming and snorkelling on Njari Island before you discover the picturesque and colourful atmosphere in the traditional markets on Ghizo Island.

You are sure to be surprised by "Kula", the ingenious traditional exchange system used, in particular, on the island of Kiriwina, and enjoy the unexpected aspects of life in the villages via their spectacular traditions. In the heart of the Solomon Sea, you will discover the splendid turquoise waters and white-sand beaches of the uninhabited islands of the Lusancay archipelago. These spectacular, picture-postcard islands provide the opportunity to swim and snorkel over coral reefs teeming with life.

Your call at Tufi will be one of the highlights of your voyage. Dubbed the Scandinavia of the Tropics, you will undoubtedly fall under the charm of this picturesque region, with its deep 'fjords' known locally as 'rias', which were formed through volcanic activity. In this unique and unspoilt setting, the Papuan tribes will proudly share their culture, during a traditional ceremony.

You will then visit the volcanically active D'Entrecasteaux Islands. On Dobu Island, the diversity of the fauna and flora will be conducive to pure moments of wonder while there will also be encounters with the Dobu people, who are known for their magic rituals. Accompanied by your expedition team, you will explore Fergusson Island on a walk through extraordinary virgin forests, towards the DeiDei Hot Springs.

Finally, you will sail up to Alotau in Papua New Guinea's Milne Bay Province where you will discover how a combination of pearl farming, mineral resources and the presence of missionaries over the centuries shaped the history of this bay, which was also marked by the Second World War.

Your expedition will finish in in Cairns, known as the capital of 'Far North Queensland, this vibrant and welcoming city is the ideal place from which to explore the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and the Tropical Rainforests.

クルーズコード ER291024
乗船日 2024年 10月29日
泊数 11泊
乗船港 Honiara, Guadalcanal Island
下船港 Cairns

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,250.00 ~

Ocean Voyage: Boston - Fort-de-France

From sea to sea, or from continent to continent, PONANT welcomes you aboard its ships for a Sea Journey. A few times a year we invite sea lovers, dreamers, and keen observers of endless horizons to join our non-stop journeys, to enjoy the comfort of our ships for an extended period and share the daily lives of our crew.

As the days go by, you can admire the waves from the upper deck, keep fit in the spa and make good use of the pool or the gym, share the daily life of the crew, discover sailing techniques and instruments, and enjoy a break from the hectic pace of life.

クルーズコード EC291024
乗船日 2024年 10月29日
泊数 6泊
乗船港 Boston
下船港 Fort-de-France

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €1,400.00 ~

Secrets of the Red Sea

Sailing up the Red Sea and leaving in one's wake the memories of a lifetime: the Arabian Desert and its ochre hues that stop suddenly before the clear waters of the sea, the intriguing cities and their typical souks whose colourful stalls fill the air in the alleys with their fragrances, and the archaeological sites that recount the mysteries of a secular history and ancient civilisations. Over 11 days, take a unique and unforgettable journeyaboard Le Dumont-d'Urville to discover the East and its secrets.

Throughout your journey, you will benefit from an excursion included per person per port of call, chosen with care by PONANT. During this cruise, take your place aboard an off-road vehicle in Safaga for an excursion in the desert to discover a Bedouin camp, visit the magnificent Masada fortress from Eilat and swim in the Dead Sea, or enjoy a disembarkation on small Baridi Island, combining relaxation, snorkelling and swimming.  The diversity of experiences on offer promises you intense and varied moments (to discover the full range of excursions, go to the itinerary tab).

Past and future coexist along the shores of Saudi Arabia. For the first time with PONANT, you will penetrate the fascinating Jeddah. Behind its apparent modernity hides the long history of a port established in the 7th century at the crossroads of key trade routes, and of an essential stopping point on the way to Mecca. From this past, the city has retained a multicultural architecture blending traditional constructions in coral from this coastal region and know-how borrowed along the ancient routes, affording it status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Yanbu also stands out for its history linked to trade, since it was once a major port along the spice route between Yemen and Egypt. Like in Jeddah, the Hejazi architecture can be discovered by visiting the old town. On the little-known island of Baridi, enjoy some water-based activities in the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea: snorkelling or simply swimming will be a pleasure for the senses.

Between Africa and the Middle East, the Red Sea connected people and civilisations and it continues to do so today. Along its shores or a little further inland, discover some of its legendary archaeological sites. Egypt opens its doors to you and takes you to explore its most enigmatic treasures. From Safaga, you will have the opportunity to visit the ancient city of Thebes and the Valley of the Kings that faces it on the other side of the Nile.

From Eilat, another no less fascinating tale from ancient times will be revealed in the Judaean Desert. Sitting atop its limestone perch, the Masada fortress has been an impressive sight since the 1st century BC due to its position overlooking the Dead Sea. This true wonder is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This arid region is home to desert after desert, but each landscape is unique. In Wadi Rum, the elements have formed canyons and cliffs, arches and caves whose sandstone and granite rocks emerge from the orange-coloured sand. You will reach these surreal landscapes from Aqaba.

クルーズコード EU301024
乗船日 2024年 10月30日
泊数 10泊
乗船港 Jeddah
下船港 Aqaba

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €5,540.00 ~

The Southern Adventure

Discover the Southern Ocean as you have never seen it before! Embark on a 15-day polar expedition cruise to the highest latitudes, from the Falkland Islands to the immaculate lands of Antarctica.

Your polar expedition begins with the exploration of the Falkland Islands: as you sail in this archipelago of 200 islands, you will be escorted by sei whales. Composing the wild beauty of the shorelines are beaches of white sand, jagged cliffs, windswept moors and tall grass swaying with the wind. This is the perfect setting for the black-browed albatrosses watching from above, the Gentoo and king penguins, elephant and fur seals, and sea lions. On board, admire the spectacle of endless moors interspersed by the bays and coves punctuating the coastline.

You will ultimately land on the frozen shores of the nearly inaccessible White Continent, Antarctica. White shades take on a thousand nuances as it covers the icebergs, glaciers, mountains and frozen sea all around you. You will be one of the rare few travellers to have laid eyes on this legendary land, the theatre of the greatest expeditions and the witness of the most extraordinary adventures. During an outing on land or at sea, in a Zodiac dinghy or a kayak, you will move through a stunning decor bathed in polar light. Above all, you are in the realm of the penguins - Adelie, Gentoo, chinstrap - seals, whales and seabirds that accompany you on this unforgettable trip.

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. 

クルーズコード BO311024
乗船日 2024年 10月31日
泊数 14泊
乗船港 Ushuaia
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €12,370.00 ~

Islands, Cities and Volcanoes of Indonesia

From Bali to Singapore, set sail aboard Le Jacques-Cartier for a brand-new 15-day expedition cruise to the heart of fascinating Indonesia. Take a unique trip to discover the world's largest archipelagic state, featuring ancient temples and modern cities, impenetrable jungle and majestic volcanoes, historic towns and chains of idyllic islands. And of course, there will be precious encounters with a diverse population.

You will reach Probolinggo, one of the access points to Mount Bromo. This active volcano in the Tengger mountains stands 2,329 metres tall in the middle of a protected nature reserve.

When your ship calls at Semarang, a cosmopolitan city with Chinese, Indo-Arab and European influences, you will visit the incredible site of Borobudur. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this monumental Buddhist temple compounds from the 8th and 9th centuries is an artistic marvel with over 500 Buddha statues.

Next, Le Jacques-Cartier will set a course for the south-western tip of Java. On the edge of the Sunda Strait, you will discover Ujung Kulon National Park. In addition to being a place of great natural beauty and of geological interest, notably for the study of island volcanoes, the park contains the largest remaining area of lowland rainforests on the island. It also includes the Krakatau Nature Reserve, and you will have the chance to observe the volcano during a unique sailing experience.

You will sail along the west coast of Sumatra and call at Bengkulu, a former trading centre of the British East India Company, before reaching the Mentawais, a group of heavenly islands edged with beaches of white sand and covered in jungle. You will stop at one of these deserted beaches to swim and explore the underwater environment with a mask and snorkel.

Further north, the Nias Archipelago is known for its unique megalithic culture and its spellbinding traditional music. The Simeulue archipelago, which includes the Banyak Islands, is a mix of atolls, cays and islets featuring numerous beaches of white sand, coral reefs, and clear, warm tropical waters. There, you will discover Pulau Asok, a lagoon ideal for free-diving, swimming and kayaking, thanks to its gently sloping, unspoiled beaches lined with coconut trees.

Next, your ship will round the northern tip of Sumatra via Banda Aceh. The city has been entirely rebuilt after being ravaged by the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami. 

This fabulous odyssey continues as the glorious shoreline of West Malaysia slowly emerges before you. You will sail the Malacca Strait, the former strategic crossroads on the silk and spice roads, to discover the beautiful cities of Penang and Malacca, UNESCO World Heritage Sites with fascinating Asian, Portuguese and Dutch heritage.

In Singapore, city-State on the edges of the Orient, you will be seduced by the unique multicultural atmosphere of this "garden city", home to wonderful botanical tropical gardens, UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

クルーズコード EX311024
乗船日 2024年 10月31日
泊数 14泊
乗船港 Benoa, Bali
下船港 Singapore

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €7,140.00 ~

Tropical Odyssey between North East Australia and Indonesia

Over 16 days, fall under the spell of the beauty and richness of the Indonesian archipelago and the southern shores of Australia. Aboard Le Soléal, take an exceptional expedition cruise with PONANT, sailing from island to island, from idyllic landscapes to unforgettable encounters.

From the 'island of gods', head to mysterious Komodo, a small wild island whose national park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among other things, it is home to the famous Komodo dragons, gigantic monitor lizards that can grow more than three metres long. Here you will be able to see them in their natural environment. 

You will then set sail for Flores, the island of flowers, followed by the Alor Archipelago, two destinations where the inhabitants have successfully maintained their age-old traditional lifestyle.

The next port of call on your cruse will be Kalabahi. This authentic destination in the Alor Archipelago provides the opportunity to interact with local people who have preserved their traditional practices and customs.

After calling at the fabulous Barat Daya Islands, you will explore the Moluccas (Maluku Islands), also known as the Spice Islands, and make a stop on the island of Banda Neira, marked by Dutch and Portuguese influences.

Le Soléal will continue on to the Indonesian province of West Papua to give you the opportunity to admire the Kiti-Kiti Waterfall. Surrounded by lush vegetation, you will undoubtedly be tempted to swim or snorkel at the foot of this stunning natural site.

Then, you will sail to the heart of Triton Bay. Located within a protected marine environment in the middle of the Coral Triangle, you will enjoy an unforgettable zodiac cruise through the spectacular rainforest-capped karst islands.

Further south, you will discover the Asmat region, one of the most isolated and mysterious areas in the world.

Le Soléal will finally reach Australia to finish on a high note exploring Lizard Island, an island with exceptional marine life, from multicoloured coral to giant clams.

The encounters with the wildlife described above illustrate possible experiences only and cannot be guaranteed.

クルーズコード SO011124
乗船日 2024年 11月01日
泊数 15泊
乗船港 Benoa, Bali
下船港 Cairns

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €6,660.00 ~

The Southern Adventure

Discover the Southern Ocean as you have never seen it before! Embark on a 15-day polar expedition cruise to the highest latitudes, from the Falkland Islands to the immaculate lands of Antarctica.

Your polar expedition begins with the exploration of the Falkland Islands: as you sail in this archipelago of 200 islands, you will be escorted by sei whales. Composing the wild beauty of the shorelines are beaches of white sand, jagged cliffs, windswept moors and tall grass swaying with the wind. This is the perfect setting for the black-browed albatrosses watching from above, the Gentoo and king penguins, elephant and fur seals, and sea lions. On board, admire the spectacle of endless moors interspersed by the bays and coves punctuating the coastline.

You will ultimately land on the frozen shores of the nearly inaccessible White Continent, Antarctica. White shades take on a thousand nuances as it covers the icebergs, glaciers, mountains and frozen sea all around you. You will be one of the rare few travellers to have laid eyes on this legendary land, the theatre of the greatest expeditions and the witness of the most extraordinary adventures. During an outing on land or at sea, in a Zodiac dinghy or a kayak, you will move through a stunning decor bathed in polar light. Above all, you are in the realm of the penguins - Adelie, Gentoo, chinstrap - seals, whales and seabirds that accompany you on this unforgettable trip.

We are privileged guests in these extreme lands where we are at the mercy of weather and ice conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the IAATO. 

クルーズコード LY021124
乗船日 2024年 11月02日
泊数 14泊
乗船港 Ushuaia
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €12,370.00 ~

Pearls of the Caribbean

Taking care of your body and mind... These are the key words of this unique cruise, in partnership with LE TIGRE and with featured guest Elodie Garamond, yoga instructor and founder of LE TIGRE and Helen Haynes, Pilate's professor.

Offer yourself the possibility of a moment apart, of a deep listening to the body and emotions, during an additional yoga and Pilates retreat* - Find out more by clicking here

PONANT brings you an itinerary to the heart of the most enchanting islands in the Caribbean Sea. Board on Le Champlain for a 9-day cruise combining long white-sand beaches and the easy Creole way of life.

Throughout your journey, you will benefit from an excursion included per person per port of call, to choose from a selection offered by PONANT. During this cruise, enjoy a nature hike in Syndicate from Portsmouth, appreciate the beauty of Les Saintes by boat and during a swim, or explore the town of Soufrière, between land and sea, on Saint Lucia. The diversity of experiences on offer promises you intense and varied moments (to discover the full range of excursions, go to the itinerary tab).

From Fort-de-France, the capital of Martinique, Le Champlain will set sail to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Bequia Island, the 'whale-hunting island', and its wild and unspoiled coastline. You will enjoy the lively atmosphere of Port Elizabeth, the island's main town.

After a call at Mayreau, your sailing yacht will anchor in the Tobago Cays National Park. This rosary of islands, bound together by the most beautiful coral reef in the West Indies, will reveal its incredible underwater wildlife and its secret coves.

You will then island hop gently towards Saint Lucia and its two majestic rocky peaks soaring straight from the sea, a unique location listed as UNESCO World Heritage site.

You will sail towards the enchanting setting offered by the island of Dominica - the Nature Island - before you finally reach Fort-de-France.

An experienced diving instructor is on board for the entire cruise, enabling you to safely enjoy swimming and scuba diving.

クルーズコード EC041124
乗船日 2024年 11月04日
泊数 8泊
乗船港 Fort-de-France
下船港 Fort-de-France

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €3,860.00 ~

Ocean Voyage: Hanga Roa - Ushuaia

From sea to sea, or from continent to continent, PONANT welcomes you aboard its ships for a Sea Journey. A few times a year we invite sea lovers, dreamers, and keen observers of endless horizons to join our non-stop journeys, to enjoy the comfort of our ships for an extended period and share the daily lives of our crew.

As the days go by, you can admire the waves from the upper deck, keep fit in the spa and make good use of the pool or the gym, share the daily life of the crew, discover sailing techniques and instruments, and enjoy a break from the hectic pace of life.

クルーズコード BO051124
乗船日 2024年 11月05日
泊数 9泊
乗船港 Hanga Roa, Easter Island
下船港 Ushuaia

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €1,870.00 ~

Autumn Splendours: From Lofoten to the Norwegian Fjords

With featured guest Nick Rains, Australian photo ambassador.

The backwash has left its mark on these landscapes shaped over time and hemmed the coastline into lacework. During a brand-new PONANT journey, discover the fragile edges of the shores of Norway and marvel at its inestimable treasures. On contact with these sublime panoramas, you will savour friluftsliv, which refers to the concept of reconnecting to nature without altering it. The Norwegians have elevated this philosophical concept into a way of living, closely connected to kos - meaning a pleasant moment. As winter approaches, the light becomes subdued and you will be able to admire the fascinating Lofoten archipelago, immerse yourself in nature amidst the most majestic fjords, and discover the beautifulilluminated coastal cities.

Aboard Le Commandant Charcot, you will have access to splendid viewpoints. From the warm and refined refuge of its spaces opening out onto the exterior, the Observatory Lounge or the uninterrupted outside promenade deck are ideal for enjoying moments in complete communion with the elements.

Discover the LofotenIslands, which are like a world apart, simultaneously theatrical and wild. They offer a varied palette of decors: alpine peaks, sandy shores, lush plains and majestic fjords. The traditional dark red fishing huts known as rorbuer punctuate the landscape with their ancestral presence.

As the Norwegian Sea bathes each meander and each sker - rocky islet - of its immense and rugged coastline, discover the history of these coastal cities and fishing villages built as close as possible to the shore. The sea will continue to accompany your discovery of the geological wonders and spectacular fjords surrounded by snow-covered peaks.

Throughout your journey, an exhilarating seasonal half-light will embellish these powerful panoramas, where land and sea come together, the quintessence of Norwegian identity.

The itinerary is subject to modifications. On board, the sailing programme, outings and activities cannot be guaranteed and are subject to weather conditions.

クルーズコード CC071124
乗船日 2024年 11月07日
泊数 13泊
乗船港 Narvik
下船港 Bergen

(2名1室利用時 おひとり様あたり)

公式レート €10,580.00 ~
